It’s been wonderful to have the Hillsdale flower shop open again for the season – we’re really feeling the love and are so appreciative for the support and friendly faces! Because of three nights of deep freezes and some very cold days, we didn’t open the online shop for pre-orders this week, but please come by this weekend as we’ll have loads of anemones, beautiful tulips, and hyacinth in planters (the apricot ones are new and gorgeous!) and as wonderfully-scented bulb-on ‘cut’ flowers. Remember, this is also the first week of dahlia tuber order pick ups. See you at the shop! Tiny Hearts Flower Shop, early season hours: Friday 10am – 4pm Saturday 10am – 4pm |

Video tour of the farm
May 7th and 9th: Hillsdale Workshop Experience Weekend
We will be teaching our first workshops of the season (yay!!!) on May 7th and 8th as part of the Hillsdale Workshop Experience’s annual Workshop Experience Weekend. There will be lots of workshops happening in and around Hillsdale on all kinds of topics, including some amazing open gardens.
Jenny will be teaching ‘Up Jumped Spring: Arranging with Tulips, Ranunculus, and other Spring Ephemerals’ at the flower shop on the morning of May 7th (the day before Mother’s Day, hint hint!) as well as two on-farm combined presentation/field walks on growing dahlias (Saturday afternoon) and field and garden tulips (Sunday morning.) Tickets are on sale now!
We really hope you’ll join us and are looking forward to a season of many more workshops to come!

CSA Perks are on the Books!
Our CSA-members-only, farmer-led farm tours are scheduled for Sunday morning, July 3rd, and Friday evening, September 2nd. The tours are free, you just have to sign up at the flower shop when you’re picking up your CSA flowers. We can walk and talk, enjoy some beverages, and bomb around the fields sniffing flowers – it’s going to be fun!
Sounds great…but you’re not a CSA member yet? Or you haven’t re-signed up for 2022? There’s still time to join us!
Flower CSA – Connoisseur$650.00
Flower CSA – Aficionado$450.00
Flower CSA – Enthusiast$250.00